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How to learn google ads 2024 I will coach you in google ads

 How to learn google ads 2024 I will coach you in google ads

Ever felt like Google Ads was a labyrinth with no exit? You’re not alone. This powerful platform can be daunting, even for seasoned marketers. But fear not, weary traveler! Lennard Steeman, your Dutch digital marketing sherpa, is here to guide you through the maze and onto the peak of digital success.

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A Decade of Expertise, Bottled and Ready to Pour

With over 10 years of experience, Lennard isn’t just some Google Ads tourist. He’s a seasoned explorer who has mapped every twist and turn of the platform. He’s not only a Premier Google Partner, but also an AI-powered entrepreneur, meaning he speaks both human and algorithm fluently.

  • “Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!”

More Than Just a Fix-It Shop, It’s a Journey of Knowledge

Lennard doesn’t just patch up your existing campaigns and send you on your way. He believes in empowering you. He’ll help you understand how Ads work, not just what buttons to press. By demystifying the platform, he equips you with the tools to navigate on your own, even after your coaching sessions end.

Tailored Coaching for Every Adventurer, New or Old

Whether you’re a wide-eyed newbie or a seasoned campaign veteran, Lennard has a map for you. He caters to all levels, offering campaign creation, optimization, and audits. He can even help you decipher the cryptic language of keyword planners and budget optimization.

Beyond the Basics: Your Personal Google Ads Guru

Lennard’s services extend beyond the typical. Need help with conversion tracking? He’s your man. Want to learn about a specific feature? Just ask! He’s a walking Google Ads encyclopedia, ready to answer any question you throw his way.

Testimonials that Sing Louder Than a Bidding War

Don’t just take our word for it. Lennard’s clients rave about his expertise and approachability. They call him a “game changer,” a “legend,” and someone who makes even the most complex concepts feel like child’s play.

Ready to Escape the Google Ads Maze?

So, are you tired of wandering aimlessly through the Google Ads labyrinth? Book your session with Lennard today and let him be your guide. He’ll equip you with the knowledge and confidence to conquer any marketing challenge, leaving you wondering why you ever tried to navigate this digital jungle alone.

Start Now

  • “Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!”

Remember, every successful digital campaign starts with one brave step. Take yours today with Lennard Steeman, your personal Google Ads sherpa.


  • How to finally understand the gibberish of Google Ads: Lennard untangles the platform’s complexities, making it clear and manageable.
  • How to launch campaigns that convert like crazy: No more throwing money into the void. Lennard crafts targeted campaigns that attract the right customers.
  • How to optimize your ads for maximum impact: Say goodbye to wasted clicks and hello to conversions that make your bank account sing.
  • How to decipher the cryptic language of keywords: Bidding wars are no match for Lennard’s keyword mastery. He’ll find the perfect words to attract your ideal audience.
  • How to make your budget stretch like a superhero’s tights: Lennard helps you squeeze every penny’s worth out of your ad spend.
  • How to track your results like a laser-focused detective: No more wondering what’s working and what’s not. Lennard helps you measure success with laser precision.
  • How to become your own Google Ads guru: Lennard doesn’t just fix your problems, he empowers you to solve them yourself.
  • Unlock Google Ads secrets: Demystify the platform with Lennard, your personal codebreaker.
  • Craft conversion-hungry campaigns: Attract the right customers and watch your sales soar.
  • Optimize like a pro: Eliminate wasted clicks and maximize your ad impact.
  • Become a keyword ninja: Master the language of search and attract your ideal audience.
  • Stretch your budget to the limit: Every penny counts with Lennard’s budget optimization strategies.
  • Track results like a detective: Uncover hidden insights and measure success with laser precision.
  • Graduate from Ads apprentice to master: Empower yourself to conquer any marketing challenge.
  • Empower Yourself with Knowledge
  • Lennard doesn’t just fix your campaigns; he transforms you into a Google Ads expert. He’ll teach you the ins and outs of the platform, from creating and optimizing campaigns to setting up and tracking conversions. You’ll gain a deep understanding of how Google Ads works and how to use it to achieve your marketing goals.
  • Master the Art of Campaign Creation
  • Lennard will help you develop targeted campaigns that attract the right customers and drive conversions. He’ll guide you through the process of identifying your target audience, selecting relevant keywords, crafting compelling ad copy, and setting up effective bidding strategies.
  • Optimize for Maximum Impact
  • Don’t let your ads languish in obscurity. Lennard will show you how to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. He’ll help you identify and eliminate wasted clicks, improve your ad quality scores, and track your results so you can make data-driven decisions.
  • Master the Language of Search
  • Keywords are the lifeblood of any successful Google Ads campaign. Lennard will help you decipher the cryptic language of keywords and find the perfect ones to attract your ideal audience. He’ll teach you how to use keyword tools and strategies to maximize your reach and conversions.
  • Stretch Your Budget to the Limit
  • Every penny counts when it comes to your marketing budget. Lennard will show you how to stretch your ad spend as far as it can go. He’ll help you optimize your bidding strategies, leverage remarketing campaigns, and identify profitable ad extensions.
  • Track Results like a Data Detective
  • Don’t just guess and hope. Lennard will teach you how to track your results with precision and measure the success of your campaigns. He’ll help you identify what’s working and what’s not so you can make adjustments and optimize your performance.
  • Graduate to Mastery
  • With Lennard’s guidance, you’ll graduate from Ads apprentice to master. You’ll gain the skills and knowledge to confidently manage your campaigns and achieve your marketing goals. You’ll become a Google Ads expert, capable of navigating the platform with ease and unlocking its full potential.
  • Ready to Take Your Google Ads to the Next Level?
  • Book a coaching session with Lennard today and start your journey towards Google Ads mastery. He’ll empower you to become an expert in the field and unlock the true potential of Google Ads to drive your business growth.
  • google ads coaching
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  • google ads help
  • optimize google ads campaign
  • google ads for beginners
  • google ads for small business
  • Specific to Lennard’s strengths:
  • google ads coaching for beginners
  • google ads optimization for conversions
  • keyword research and planning for google ads
  • google ads campaign setup and audit
  • google ads bidding strategy
  • conversion tracking for google ads
  • google ads for e commerce
  • google ads for local businesses

Plus, consider these:

  • “dutch google ads expert”
  • “premier google partner coaching”
  • “ai powered google ads optimization”
  • “get more leads with google ads”
  • “improve roi with google ads”
  • “google ads for [your industry]”
